Mississippi Sound Conservancy
Projects are suspended until the pending
Harrison County, MS v. U.S. Army Corps is resolved.

Projects are suspended until the pending
Harrison County, MS v. U.S. Army Corps is resolved.
Phase 1 Update
Phase 1 of the Mississippi Sound Conservancy’s programmatic mission of critical habitat restoration and coastal water quality enhancement in the Mississippi Sound is well on its way.
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
Kemp's Ridley sea turtles are considered the smallest marine turtles in the world and are also the most endangered.
Kemp's Ridley sea turtles are usually found in nearshore and inshore waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The juveniles especially use the waters of the Mississippi Sound for forging during early developmental stages.
Oysters of the Gulf Sound
Oysters and their associated reefs and submerged aquatic grass beds in the Sound provide critical habitat for this endangered species as well as habitat for crabs, speckled trout, redfish, and all other species found in the Mississippi Sound.
The Mississippi Sound
The Mississippi Sound extends from Mississippi’s and Louisiana’s coastal border to Mobile Bay Alabama. The Sound is separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a series of narrow islands including Cat Island, Ship, Horn, Petit Bois, and Dauphine Islands.